Country: italy Artworks published: 31
Freezing time in an image and capturing the most beautiful moment.
Country: italy Artworks published: 152
"The brushes paint the images in my heart" My artistic expression comes to feelings. I travel through the various cultures of the world have emphasized the sensitivity towards children, whose eyes express their history, their culture, their innocence. Since 2007 I have been working continuously to painting, using different techniques such as acrylic, watercolor, colored pencils and charcoal. When I paint live a kind of meditation in which the images of my travels through my soul and create the spark that fixed forever in time and in my heart, my emotions.
Country: italy Artworks published: 23
Artemio was born in Piacenza, he graduated as an electronic technician. Fascinated by the world of painting since he was a kid he began to draw. He is self-taught, has had a guide in Gaby Pizzi, has had contacts with Giancarlo Braghieri who gave him some advice on drawing and Alberto Gallerati for advice on using oil painting. He lives and works in Piacenza. His artistic discourse stems from a clearly surrealist inspiration that results in fantastic, sometimes baroque, visions capable of involving the viewer in personal oneiric journeys. The observer of the painting is in other dimensions with... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 72
Contemporary Impressionist Painter Aurelio Villanova Born in Sernaglia della Battaglia (Treviso) on 9 October 1923, he died in Dalmine (Bergamo) on 21 May 2012.Aurelio Villanova is enrolled in the European register of professional artists, for merits he is a member of various academies; awarded with the International Certificate of Merit, for the illustrious and determined contribution made to the arts, letters and the strengthening of world cooperation for the advancement of culture.Stop and <DALL 'EXECUTIVE OFFICIER> of the International Institute of Arts and Letters of Sergio, give... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 114
I was born in the heart of Russia, Moscow. Design childhood in Elementary Art School, when I turned 15 years of professional painting. I graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts with honors.I love to write as much as my life, that gives me continually challenges, but it also gives me joys, his sorrows and his great happiness!My work is my vision of the world, the mirror of my soul: my faith spiritual breakthrough in the daily life of a woman, wife and mother ...My paintings for you: are a haven of happiness, joy and sincerity ... Life is like a fairy tale, in our understanding of how we build ... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 537
cell 349 5509930 - - FOR 2022 - UNIQUE WORKS OF DIFFERENT FORMATS IN A SPECIAL OFFER OF DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES EQUIPPED WITH CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTIC GUARANTEE AND SATISFIED OR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. GIFT: JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2022 - For buyers who will present a new admirer of oil works, the artist will give away a watercolor painting approximately 30x40 in size (works at a special price, as per previous offer, are excluded). Carla Colombo was born and resides in Imbersago, in Brianza, where she has her affections and surrounds the fundamental elements fo... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 11
Carlo Bensi was born in Calenzano di Bettola, lives in Piacenza. He studied at the Art Institute Felice Gazzola in Piacenza under the guidance of Luciana Donà and Paolo Perotti. He has participated in numerous collective exhibitions at national level. He was ranked third in the Viserba National Competition entitled "Sand Figure". He presented in 2011 his first personal exhibition entitled "The Way of Life" in the Calenzano Church.Versatile artist experimented with various techniques of painting, sculpture, composite dry flowers, stained glass.Dr. Elena Gavazzi (Critic of Art)
Country: italy Artworks published: 40
Betrix (Calro Bertani) was born in Pogliano Milanese il 12/29/1912. Lived until the age of fifteen years in campoagna, thanks to his powers of observation, took his time to study the nature and design aspects of its worlds. Began working only twelve; but he interrupted his studies favorites: continued attending evening school of Arts and crafts in Milan, distinguishing himself always in fine arts, while day arm streamlined its ability in drawing by the cabinet-maker and woodcarver. Then he enrolled at the school of Coachmen, Italy affasinanto by what was to become the symbol of technological p... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 78
Claudio Ciabatti, known as Ciabi, born in Naples on 18 December 1966. My interest in the Arts began in a rebellious way. When I was child I loved sneaking into Art exhibitions in Spoleto , a small town on the Umbria’s hills of central Italy,esacping from my tutors running behind me. Back in Naples in the 90's, I started attending circles related to post punk and new hippie movement. Once transferred to Rome, I approached to figurative art, alternating unruliness to inner search and maturate interest for the Technologies of the Self, which I experiment in my artistic journey. The Liber... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 2
Bio Daniela Pasqualini is an internationally collected Italian Artist living and painting in Dallas, TX. She creates modern abstract painting with rich colors and texture. She works with acrylic, mixed media and oil on canvas. Daniela transforms observations of nature into abstract patterns. Reacting against conventional landscape paintings, Daniela has broken down the elements of fauna, flora and found objects into colors and lines. This approach allows her to convey not only visual but tactual sensations and rhythms similar to ones created by natur... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 477
Daniele Rallo was born in Venice on 24 September 1954. He paints from a very young age and even if his official studies are technicians, he never stops attending the art world studying on his own. He began to exhibit since 1970 both in Italy and abroad with satisfactory results and awards from the media and critics. His journey, always very tied to surrealism, starts from the figurative to shortly lead to a very strong need to express his own ideas and reflections on culture in general and on the artistic one in particular. Lastly, increasingly stringent forms of research, to investigate th... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 352
Davide De Palma was born in Benevento, 1978, he lived his childhood in Pago Veiano village in the province of Benevento is growing from an early age the love of drawing, music, poetry and literature.He wrote his first poems at the age of twelve, at the same time began studying his instrument the guitar and had a passion for drawing.He graduated from a Technical Institute in Benevento and passion for the Arts in 2003 led him to Bologna where he studied two years at The Academy of Fine Arts and lives his transition to painting.He currently lives and works in Pago Veiano. The constant in his life... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 244
"Abstract from press releases in"Mr Francesco Venier is a leading personality in Italy, although he is also internationally well-known.Painter, journalist, columnist, for many years, Mr Venier's reports find their own space within several Italian monthly reviews, especially in the magazines edited by the Gruppo Editoriale Olimpia, leading publishing company in Italy, owner of several magazines each dedicated to a specific topic.Some of the major Italian newspapers such as il Gazzettino di Venezia (Venice), l'Arena (Verona), and la Nazione (Florence)regularly report about Master Venier's ar... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 54
Franco Scacchi was born in Milan on 1951. As from 1966 he attends istituto Rizzoli Editore in milan where he obtains the diploma Perito Grafico. From 1970 to 2001 Franco works in a primary Graphic Art Firm based in the Nort Milan. Afterwards, he fully dedicates to sculpure and paiting. At a critical crossroad of his life he is introduced to art therapy and works in the art laboratory off MAPP( Art Museum of Paolo Pini) where he finally becomes a fully fledged Artist. He partecipates to several collective exhibition in Milan. Notably, for the last 10 years, his creation are on exhibition at MIA... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 930
Biographical notes Since I was a boy I attend the studio of the painter Giacomo Malfanti. In the eighties and nineties short stays in Paris, in Montmartre to revisit the art of Pablo Picasso and Amedeo Modigliani. I've always painted a lot, landscape, still life and portraits. Exhibitions 1975 Personal exposure in Castelvetro Pc 1975 Collective exhibition in Caorso 1975 Collective exhibition in Soresina 1975 Collective exhibition in Sabbioneta 1976 Personal e... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 1
Son of the football player Guglielmo Decaroli and father of the musician Federico De Caroli, Gian Piero De Caroli, although born in Piacenza, studied and trained in Savona, the city where his family was born.[1] He cultivated the figurative arts in his youth, mainly from the second half of the 1950s to the early 1960s, working within the artistic scene of Albissola Marina in its period of greatest evolution and international relevance. In his early twenties, he began a phase of production of graphic works, mainly pure Indian ink or treated on sheets of tissue paper or in any case very thin. Th... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 8
It participates it has important collective shows to Florence and Pietrasanta, personal exposures in galleries: Mentana, Farsetti, Merlino, Mercurio, Europa, Paoli, Paci, Poleschi. It receives the special prize in the first edition 2015 of the contest Michelangelo Buonarroti developed him to the villa Medicea of Seravezza. 1987/1996 - international publications of contemporary art and posters: A lot of reproductions and reprints of the works of Crispino that are found all over the world currently in the catalogs of contemporary art sona in sale, distribute also in various formats and post... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 7
B I O G R A F I AEsteta, enormous passion for the arts, painter Architect, born in San Pietro Vernotico, province of Brindisi. Graduated at Lecce Artistic School in Lecce and Graduated at the Faculty of Architecture in Florence. In addition to performing public and private architectural works in various cities, he actively participated in national artistic life with personal and collective genius and received revelations and acknowledgments. He has exhibited his works at: TAORMINA - July Expo (2007) 2^ The International Biennale of LECCE 2012 VENEZIA - ca 'zanardi (2013) PARIS - louvre carr... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 140
“Gero” is my artist name; my real name is Girolamo Peralta. As regards art, I’m a semi-autodidact. In fact, I had my schools of technics and of thought, and my teachers. At high school I learnt the art of drawing and at the university the philosophy of art: psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, aesthetics.I conceived a passion for Aristotle’s theory of Catharsis and for Allmayer’s Rievocazione Estetica (Aesthetical Commemoration), which I try to put into practise not only with my paintings, but in everyday life as well. In art, in order to feel more free to express myself, I follow the D... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 45
Born in Reggio Calabria in November 1963, graduated from the Technical Institute for Surveyors Giuseppe IARIA has always shown an interest in the pictorial arts. Engaged in the workplace for a long time, he stayed away from his hidden passion. Only at the beginning of 2010, always fascinated by nature, in particular by the landscape views of his territory, did he start self-taught to undertake the study and experimentation of the various painting techniques. He attended courses in some private art studios in Reggini, with academic professors, he consolidated the techniques in the following... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 76
Bruno Greco was born in Varese in 1951 and from his childhood distinguished himself at first for the natural endowments in freehand drawing and then in painting. He took a degree in Engineering,but never forgot his passion , showed in the juvenile works(1969-1977).He devoted many years to family and industrial work, then in 2000 he started again with enthusiasm the artistic activity with several collective and one-man shows in all Italy and abroad (Montecarlo, Londra, Parigi, Hangzhou, New York, Atene, Bruges, Barcellona, San Josè, Locarno, Bruxelles, Mosca e San Pietroburgo), introduced by ... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 129
My artistic project in watercolor Light and color describe reality.I paint the image that remained inside me instead of what I see and when I start I follow the trace of a project that I have in my mind,which takes shape,evolves and sometimes radically changes during the realization.That project is the result of a precise process of synthesis of lights,shadows and shades of color that must be reported on the sheet immediately,without remorse or second thoughts that would undermine inevitably the freshness of the whole.While is respected the tonality of the colours in a greyscale,the same d... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 8
Italo Ferrara was born in Palermo on 22 - October - 1956. Poet, graphic artist and painter. He completed his studies in Agrigento, where he obtained a maturity of Applied Arts and the diploma, the course of Stage Design, the Academy of Fine Arts lives and works in Casteltermini (Ag) 1997: Art review in the journal "Quadri & Sculture" signed by Marco Lampreda 1998: Group exhibition of contemporary art Europ'Art Trophy Remo Brindisi - Castle Estense Mesola (Fe) 1998: 2nd prize at "Filippo De Pisis" - in the city of Ferrara 1999: Gold Medal at the international poet... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 339
I'm an architect, I received my university degree from Milan Polytechnic. I am an Art teacher and an Art curator.My artworks are oriented towards the universes of comics, illustration and paintings.I paint using several techniques: oil, acrylic, watercolour, ink, enamel and mixed media. Works on display in Milano at: -iKonica art gallery, Milano COLLECTIONS: Private collection in Austin, Texas, USA Private collection in Los Angeles, California, USA Private collection in Washington, Maryland, USA Private collection in New York, USA Private collection in Boston, Massachusett... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 28
Country: italy Artworks published: 157
Contemporary landscape and portrait painter - BLINDU Mery . To paint is to open an invisible window To invent with your eyes closed An impossible world.(blindu) Starting a painting is like preparing for a journey and exploring an unknown place. We leave as excited as children on a first trip, time no longer exists, we experience contrasting emotions passing from happiness to disappointment, from love to hate, from determination to repentance, melancholy, the desire to go home and awakening. No!! What time is it ? Then the amazement, the self-criticism, the questions and the bon... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 38
My name is Monica Bedini, I was born in Florence and there I attended the Art Institute. Then, I followed a professional ceramic course to Sesto Fiorentino Institute and I experienced for a longtime as decorator and designer, both in general and for children. Furthermore, I have also realized several pictures for printing-houses and creative pictures for porcelain sets, for embroidery, etc As time passes, I have also taken place to competitions and exhibitions, among which: In 1992 to the Lucca Strip Cartoon International Exhibition; In 1994 I made my first paint exhibition to Verona Euro Ar... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 218
Paul BenedettiArchitect and painter Valmontone (Rm), 1957. As a young boy copying works of the great classical masters with excellent execution. After about 30 years of artistic pause (Degree + professional) will start with classical figurative works to develop into an innovative technique and instinctive gesture "Grafismi Contemporary" and "Footprints Contemporary" where vibrant brushstrokes create new visual suggestions. He has received awards and recognitions important, is present in various directories and catalogs of art, including the CAM catalog of Modern -Mondadori No. 46 of 2010 and N... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 12
PRIZE 2018 Premio internazionale d’arte Palermo, città internazionale dell’arte 2017 Jesus 3.0/New proposal prize/Adrenalina Art Project/Rome/Italy Artrooms 2017/Third classification people vote/London/UK 2016 Meet the artist review/Artist of the week/Rome/Italy Grifio art prize 2016/Grifio art gallery/Rome/Italy PUBLICATIONS 2017/Amore e disamore/review/Lecce/Italy/ISBN 2016/Paolo Signore, opere/catalogue/Rome/Italy/ ISBN 978-88-7575-248-4 INTERVIEWS ARTEVISTA: Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 120
Artist Peter Dell'Aversana BiographyPeter Dell'Aversana and 'born June 21, 1963, in Sant'Arpino, a small town in the province of Caserta, Campania. Just nine years already feels' passion for painting and paints his first works. In 1979 he moved to Lombardy, in Casorate P. Pavia and definitively Rosate, Milan where he keeps his ATELIER; has participated in many solo exhibitions, collective and painting competitions, and 'present on many important catalogs of Art, achieving great acclaim from audiences and critics. We remember his exhibition presence at the international fair "Paint Art Fair of ... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 49
REMO FAGGI was born in Corteolona Pavia in the low in 1923. Even as a child in elementary school is passionate about the design. 1935 - is writing to the school of Applied Arts of Pavia, and as teachers of gifted artists such as painter and sculptor Borgognoni Romeo, Romolo Bianchi and Ercole Rinaldi. 1941 - First Hull Pavia know the painter and he began an apprenticeship that led him to specialize nellaq technique of mural painting in fresco. 1942 - Participates in Ludi Juveniles art and won first prize in the province of Pavia. After attending the National Ludi Florence finishing in the top ... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 21
Rino Lanzo - born in Sava (Taranto), Salento by birth, I live and work in Turin. Always passionate about art, I dedicated my desire to developing and making known what I was able to achieve to painting. Since the 70s I have frequented the "surfanta" group of artists, especially my friend and teacher Lorenzo Alessandri in Giaveno where I was able to discover my surrealist and realist pictorial direction and sometimes even more. There are various cultural associations that have given me the honor of belonging by participating in collective exhibitions organized by them. In 1979 I had the privile... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 44
Rosario Marra, also called Dario, was born in Rome. He has been interested in the visual arts since he was 16: photography, painting, sculpture, and particularly ceramics, using all sorts of materials as means to express his inner visions, his questions and feelings toward life and his observation of nature. He is an unusual painter and sculptor. His style reflect an active life, due to his many travels and intensive experience with several cultures. On canvas, he works with oil colours, tempera, acrylics, enamels, and any kind of colour and "stickable" matter. In sculpture he uses w... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 89
Ruzanna Khalatyan born in Yerevan (Armenia)She has made artistic journey experimenting with different materials and techniques, both in painting and in decorative art with various materials, and in digital art.She completed his course of study at the University of Yerevan, graduating as a model maker / stylist and proposed her works (models, batiks, rugs, floristic compositions - IKEBANA, etc.) in various exhibitions. Her ideal arrival point in the artistic field: to combine different genres and styles while maintaining balance, always looking for something new, starting from an intimate desir... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 78
Salvatore Ruggeri was born in Sicily in 1951 in a small town, Itala Marina, on the Ionian coast between Messina and Taormina. Colors, scents and flavors of the place, sun, citrus, boats, cliffs and above the sea `Is this affecting his childhood. Paint and color everything that attracts and stimulates his imagination and looks in the `nature`. In 1975, the transfer in Tuscany is an important turning point in his artistic career. The `contact` with the historical and cultural context represented by the city of Florence and the many artistic opportunities offered by location, is stimulus for his ... Continue
Country: italy Artworks published: 76
I love to experience all the many arts and crafts, and for curiosity to test my skills. I have confidence with pencil and brush since childhood, when, from the 4 -5 years old, my father took me around Florence, to visit museums and art galleries, is already talk of colors, lights, shadows and proportions. Then, as adults and involved in many other activities and family obligations, I let myself be taken by a passion for ceramics and so, by himself, (but after taking courses qualified), I learned the various techniques to decorate a 2 and 3 ° firing porcelain and ceramics. I then devoted to th... Continue