Rules of the website

regolamento_img_enArtlyNow is an online gallery of professional available to all contemporary artists, painters, sculptors and collectors.
The gallery offers the best tools of the web to give maximum visibility on the internet to all artists.

Thousands of visitors per month and better indexing make ArtlyNow one of the most visible art sites on the web.

ArtlyNow is not only a powerful tool for promoting art but a real contemporary art shop online free and available to everyone. Clicking on the "Buy" button the collector can buy the work directly from the artist.

There are no intermediaries it rates on the sale of the artworks.
The only cost required is a small annual fee for the registration of 50 euro. The artist who signs up for the first time, however, 7 days free trial.

There is a personal gallery where the artist to sell all the work without restrictions. A profile where you can enter the curriculum, critical essays, biography. In addition, all the tools to advertise exhibitions, events, organize art projects to share with other users.

So a real artist's studio to share and publicize their art and sell their works. Enter your entire collection of paintings with high-resolution pictures.

All this is possible thanks to the beautiful display, functional and clearly visible on the internet, that ArtlyNow makes available to all.

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