Pope Francis 5

Pope Francis 5 - Paolo Benedetti - Acrylic - 100 €

Pope Francis 5

Acrylic 45 x 32 cm - Paolo Benedetti - Year painting: 2013

Notes on artwork:
Opera is part of the Collection "Footprints Contemporary", UNIQUE and ORIGINAL technique. It is made of acrylic and pastel watercolor on paper 300 gr. cm. 50x35 - SERIES PRICE and VERY INTERESTING - See the complete series on www.paolo-benedetti.net site.

Picture frame: Not available
Available to ship:  Italy  / Europe
Details on purchasing: TRASPORTO ESCLUSO € 10. Il pagamento dovrà avvenire tramite BONIFICO BANCARIO, RICARICA POSTEPAY o PAYPAL. Richiedere gli estremi per la soluzione scelta.

Price: 100 €


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