
Lockdown - anna casu - Oil - 350 €


Oil 70 x 50 x 3 cm - anna casu - Year painting: 2020

Picture frame: Not available
Available to ship:  Italy  / Europe  / World

Price: 350 €


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10:54:20 (30 September 2020)
Thank you Johann for this beautiful and comforting comment ! The photo is not very beautiful, but you have been able to grasp the deep meaning, thank you, anna
12:22:42 (29 September 2020)
Dear Anna, I'm moved by this beautiful portrait which tells a story of despair and sorrow if one is trapped behind fences and mesh. Also from the technical point of view.you've done a fantstic job. And the colorful butterfly that sits on the finger of this girls, is a sign of hope for me.Again my compliments.