Evidence, Paintings, News, Painting Arts on tour - Shapes and color - From 16 June to 9 July 2017 April 29, 2017 Evidence, Painting Exhibitions, News, Painting 6 Arts on tour - Shapes and color - From 16 June to 9 July 2017 Arts on tour the 2-piece exhibition exhibition of paintings From June 16 to July 9, 2017 "Arts on tour" Shapes and color Download the call and the membership card in pdf format, click here This event was born from the collaboration of three cultural realities: Costierarte, Medusa, i2colli. Artistic curator: Anna Rita Boccolini. Organization: Silvio Amato, Anna Rita Boccolini, Medusa. The contemporary art exhibition includes painting, sculpture, digital art, installations.
Inserita il 09 Giugno 2017
Dal 2 al 21 aprile 2016 ExpArt studio&gallery, in via Borghi 80 a Bibbiena
LA MOSTRA “Amore Surreale” è la straordinaria mostra con la quale ExpArt dà il benvenuto alla primavera. Protagoniste le opere dell'artista russa Victoriya Bubnova, che ci trasportano in una dim...... Continua a leggere
Inserita il 06 Aprile 2016